
Each day a prayer
A walking prayer for all
rising up through the bones
circulating in the blood
infilling my being
Creator, open our eyes
that we may see the truth
Open our ears
that we may hear the truth
Make our hearts strong
that we may walk in a good way
on the rough and rocky road
of truth on this planet

Turn the Phrase

She likes to futz
in the kitchen with flavors
and the clean dish

In the garden with ivy
and the occasional veggie

In the studio with pen and ink
and big brush on canvas

And, most of all,
in the turn of the phrases
and singing heartsongs
with the man in her life

Daily Dalliance

A dalliance a day
just gazing at the sun
early morning ritual
standing on the earth
breezes kissing cheeks
grateful for the gift of life
grateful for this day
grateful for the warmth of sun
and his loving light
grateful for my mother earth
and the strength she does imbue
grateful for the winds of change
and the fire of Spirit
a dalliance with Beloved One