Like Kilroy – and Accidental Drawing

Like Kilroy – and Accidental Drawing

He appeared on my desk…an accidental drawing

I see faces everywhere. Always have. And when I start to draw, faces appear. It’s just the way it is.

I accidently spilled some permanent ink on my desk the other day, while I was playing with a pen/brush thingy that was really cool, instead of working on what I was “supposed” to be working on. I tried to wipe it up with some paper that I had at hand on it’s way to the recycle bin. It didn’t work real well, because before I could really clean it up, there was this fellas eye staring back at me.

Of course, I immediately dripped some more ink on my desk, and semi-wiped it up. There he was – my accidental drawing! With a tiny tweak or two I had a new visage for my desk. I don’t know if he really can be cleaned off my desk. One day, I’ll get tired of him staring peekedly at me, and I’ll attempt it. In the meantime, I dressed him up with some layers here, and wrote him a poem. I thought I’d give him a moment in the limelight before destroying anything.

He Sings to the Moon and Stars

He Sings to the Moon and Stars

A Modern Wise Man 

I’m not sure what knocked me off track. There was a death in the family and lots of exciting activities – many of them involving my creativity, so it’s not like I haven’t been creating images. I have. I have not posted any for almost a month however.

So I am back. I went to a place for tea this evening, and drew this. I used a tiny blurry photo of a friend of mine for a loose model, and just had fun. Then, after scanning, I got jiggy with it, adding some layers etc. Why not have fun? It’s definitely a way to get me back on track.

Harlequin Man

Harlequin Man

Watercolor play…

I’m going to have a bin full of old watercolors and sketches for ridiculously low giveaway prices at tomorrows show, just for fun (And to clear space for more recent work)!

Brazen Freedom

Brazen Freedom

Is there any true freedom that is not brazen somehow?

So, I’m still painting and preparing for the RAW artists show which is this Wednesday. This is a sneak peak at one new piece completed for that show this week. Those attending the show will be the first to see the painting in it’s entirety. A world premiere as it were. I’m going to be giving away some prizes to attendees too. Just trying something different.

Soul Garden

Soul Garden

A Blossoming for You

Beginning with a simple mono print, this grew for you.