A rattle rattled me
I was rattled top to bottom
Even my little eyebrow hairs
shook free of the debris
Built up over the
times of non-action
Oooh – to renew
with the tickle
of a rattle…
Ever mindful of promises made
the way was strewn with items kept
like offal on the tides of emotion
The counters stack them
categorized and labeled
as if they have value
in the scheme of things
As if traces were real threads
in the tapestry of our lives
meaning and purpose are assigned
Look! There – see that bird?
Flying, wings unfettered…
Zebra world
all black and white
an attitude
a way of thinking
Zebra world
surrounded by brilliant green
on Earth of red and yellow
and blue above
butterflies bright
rich life available to all
There is a place for all
no matter how they think