Frosty Gaze

Morning frost bit
even as it decorated
every leaf and tendril
• • •
Lake choppy later
now dark and still
Water smoothing corners
wherever they threatened
with its chill countenance
• • •
Heart awakened
by hooves trampling
regained composure
as gaze partook
Snuggled deeper
in the depths of sleeping bag

I Am Awake

Ever notice
how much more awake
you are, upon awakening —
Rather like waking up!
The snake,
she woke up one day
Raising up to
the full height of her spine
“Ah, I am awake,”

she hissed peacefully

Flitting Color

Flitting is generally
for butterflies
brilliant flowers
with powdered wing
or jewel throated hummingbirds
winging on with joyous speed
But now and again
my heart has been known
to flit among the sacred

and shine brilliantly colorful
with ecstasy

Inner Angel

The heart with wings
soars at the rise of joy
Flutters softly
at the instance of fear
and excitement
The inner angel
the butterfly of metamorphosis
the heart with wings
Spirit gives my heart wings…

His Spirit’s Glory

He finally came to accept
all of who he was…

And in that acceptance
came to realize
the glory of his Spirit


At the same time
he resided in the lodge of his heart
for the full season

Many blessings befell him