Hmmm Daze

Hmmm Daze

She Stood There Forever

I was thinking today of one of my favorite photographers, and her super effective style of using the diptych in a lot of her image presentations, so I thought I  would give it a try. I’m not sure it translates, yet it was enjoyable. I just may try it again.

Fear Face

Fear Face


I created this face image in the darkroom in the early 70s. I slathered vaseline on my face,  rolled my face on photographic paper,  then exposed the paper to light and  developed it. I never really did much with the image even though it intrigued me. It’s not a really friendly image. I think I must have created it to make this piece, all these years later. It finally feels complete. I’ve been learning lots about pushing into fear lately.  This is appropriate.



Where are you growing?

Busy busy day. Still, I got in a very short walk. This year we actually had an iris bloom in our yard (a first in this home), but no tulips. I had to walk the neighborhood to find this one. The subtle floral border is a hand drawn ink border which I created for an wedding invitation over 30 years ago. It’s kind of fun recycling the old stuff which I thought was no longer useful. E-Cycling.  It doesn’t save any pixels that I am aware of, yet I get warm and fuzzys thinking I might have re-purposed some.

Dogwood Blessing

Dogwood Blessing

May you be blessed…

This spring is just flying by, as if all of the growing things are in hyperdrive. I’m really grateful that I’ve managed to take the walks that I have, camera in hand, and light surrounding everything as if staged for my convenience. Don’t you just love dogwood?

Northern Neighbor

Northern Neighbor

A Walk at Dusk

Usually this little fella hangs out in the pineapple guava tree outside our front door, and lately he’s become quite raucous. This evening, on our lengthy walk at dusk, he stood there on the neighbors roof and posed for me.  It was a lovely walk. All of the orange trees are in sweet sweet bloom, and the scent of the honey locusts as we crossed the overpass coming back from the river was also simply heavenly. There were  even tiny very sour plums on a tree overhanging the sidewalk. YUM!