

She Wears It Well

I’ve cleaned up most all of the leaves left in my yard last fall, and all of the geraniums are doing a happy dance, looking all springy and celebratory. I really enjoyed the way the leaves stacked up on the schoolyard fence a couple years ago, so I found an excuse to use it now, even though the geraniums are singing quite loudly.

Dragon Buddha

Dragon Buddha

On the tracks I once met

abandoned tracks
abandoned attachments
dragonfly dreams
in the mystics vision

awakened tracks
awakened thoughts
like a dragonfly
flitting through inner eyesight

I stayed up extraordinarily late last night completing this image, and then I lost it. I gave up before I collapsed on the keyboard. I found it tonight right where it belonged. Perhaps I was too attached to it’s creation last night?



When Pen Meets Mousepad

Not much to say. Too late at night. or early in the morning.



In the Eyes

Today I again played with another detail from one of my paintings. I overlaid the acrylic on canvas image with watercolor on paper textures. I love that I can readily create layers on the computer that I could never do in real 3D space.

Green Lady

Green Lady

In the garden she is Queen

Someone whose opinion I highly respect told me once that my paintings were far to complex and overwhelming, that they contain too much information for most people to be able to comfortably absorb. Instead, I should simplify by creating a whole piece out of one detail of what would normally just be texture in my regular pieces. I started this image with one such isolated detail from a much larger painting. I couldn’t help myself though. It seemed to simplistic, so I added a few layers.