Earth Prayer

Earth Prayer

For All Living Beings


Originally the basis of this image was an illuminari (chalk painting) that I created on the tarmac at a benefit for the Philharmonic in Auburn.  The prayer is revised from a poem that I wrote in the Daily Napkin.

Some images and writings that I create sing to me differently on different occasions, and sometimes they always pluck the same heart strings over and over again, ringing true like a bell.  Prayers for the earth and all living beings on her always ring true for me, so this is not a re-purposing of image or poem, but rather an enrichening.

Feel free to share it with anyone whose heart it will touch. I see us all holding hands to pray even through the little dancing electrons of our computer screens.

After the Geese

After the Geese

The World Turned to Cement

There just isn’t much to say after the birds have gone.

Muddled in Fog

Muddled in Fog

Hawaiian Shirt


Lest all be muddled in the mists of time
let truth shine it’s rayon me

He said he never owned a Hawaiian shirt…

From a drawing that I did
of a photograph of my dad that I found

The Wind

The Wind

Dancing Wind

A simple photo montage I created in time, however did not post in time.  I posted it out of time.


Winter Berries

Winter Berries


Feeling the grey today.

I sat out in the sun for a minute or two before the clouds  took over again.  It was long enough to dig my toes into the mud and appreciate my connection to it.  The bright red berries that used to always appear at Christmas time at my Grandmas house when I was little are quite prevalent in this neighborhood, if you know where to look.  They always cheer up my eyes.