Like Kilroy – and Accidental Drawing
He appeared on my desk…an accidental drawing

I see faces everywhere. Always have. And when I start to draw, faces appear. It’s just the way it is.
I accidently spilled some permanent ink on my desk the other day, while I was playing with a pen/brush thingy that was really cool, instead of working on what I was “supposed” to be working on. I tried to wipe it up with some paper that I had at hand on it’s way to the recycle bin. It didn’t work real well, because before I could really clean it up, there was this fellas eye staring back at me.
Of course, I immediately dripped some more ink on my desk, and semi-wiped it up. There he was – my accidental drawing! With a tiny tweak or two I had a new visage for my desk. I don’t know if he really can be cleaned off my desk. One day, I’ll get tired of him staring peekedly at me, and I’ll attempt it. In the meantime, I dressed him up with some layers here, and wrote him a poem. I thought I’d give him a moment in the limelight before destroying anything.