Wood Nymph

Wood Nymph

Spirit of the Woods

In the cave
hidden on the cliffside
Rockfall and rubble
bushes and grasses all around
In that silent solitary place
near the river of my life
I sat in communication
with the bugs and animals
And became more connected
more at one
with the earth in the walls

and through the rock on which I sat
silently in peace…*

*from the Daily Napkin



Mystery Lake

I camped alone on the shore of the lake, forsaken by none, embraced by moonlit breezes, wakened from slumber by the whispering pines, calmed into dream by the waters song. I would have lingered longer on that distant and isolated shore if not for the mysterious longing that called my heart home.

• • •

This is a result of combining an ink drawing and two paintings.


Crouching Bird, Springing Tree

Crouching Bird, Springing Tree

Tulip Bird

Every year
I discover
the beauty
and majesty
that appears
without fail
come spring
as if
the birds
deliver it
on wings
of surprise
while I
without any

Sunshiny Disposition

Sunshiny Disposition


The multiple image thing was fun yesterday, and I once again have a functioning scanner, so today I played with this cartoony sketch, adding layers of color, texture,  and handmade stamps.


Warhol Wasn’t Here

Warhol Wasn’t Here

Rules Are Meant to Ignore

I got this email today from Deke.com about how to get a Warhol-esque image in Photoshop. It intrigued me, so I thought that I would try it. The problem with that is that I frequently ignore rules, or instructions, or whatever. Such was the case with this. I totally did not read the instructions at all, until after I was done. Then I said, outloud, ” Ooops, I didn’t do that.” I, in fact did not do anything that had been suggested. Oh well, I had fun doing these bright, non-Warhol, non-portraits. I guess that’s all that matters. Right?