Library of Living
I got a new phone, with a better camera than my camera and the apps are fun.

I got a new phone, with a better camera than my camera and the apps are fun.
When I first started painting, (the first time – when in early teens) I used oils that were given to me by this lady that had left over paints after doing paint-by-number things. I didn’t use oils very long because I could not handle the fumes. This acrylic painting was one of the first I did as an adult (in my twenties). I painted several paintings with photographs as my models, just to see what I could do. It took many years for me to revisit landscapes, and then it was with “live models.” I ran across this old photograph of an old painting done from a photograph in a book, and felt I just had to share it. I’m not sure why.
Incredibly enjoyable evening looking at art and listening to local music at the Colony. Inspirational. Check out the show. It will be up for a month, as far as I understand.
I used to pass this place every week on my way, and on my way back. So many stories I told myself through the years of commuting.
Another lifetime ago
they held still
because there was
nothing else
they could do
and still maintain
the illusion
of being
a truly olde timey
still life
holding still
so I could snap
a still life snapshot