Inspired Compassion

Wandering thoughtfully
‘midst the wilderness of Spirit
wrapped in cloaks of reason
in times of discontent

There came the moment
of inspired compassion

It bent the senses
just a tweak or two
until dialed into radiance
at the cracking of a smile

Effulgent Orb

That effulgent orb
glowing and lovely
behind a curtain of mist
blesses the evening

The warmth of frosty moon

Gentle keeper of the night
softened merely by your fullness

Strengthened resolve
a face in the crisp night…

Soul Food

Once and awhile
they simply liked to “veg out”

Hunkering down
to a good cup
of warm tea
and a good book

It is food like that
that soars the soul
to new adventures


The miracle of the hour
was tip-toeing around
in the recesses of his mind

Tickling his fancy thoughts
with epiphanies
full of possibilities

Yeah! What fun!

Cloudy Sky, Shining Sun

No matter
how cloudy the sky
little squirrel knew
somehow in his bones
that the sun
was still shining
and so approached the day
with his same sunny disposition
Blessings to You

Blessings to You

born of the darkness
surrounding the concept

settled in the heart
wells up in even odd moments
imbues the moment

always and ever
instilled in our genes
abundant and generous
sent to you