Sing the Light

Everybody sings the Light

Light is the expression
Of a small part
Of the spectrum of vibration
That is all that is!

We are the singers
Of the Light

An enormous chorus
Symphony of Light

Freedom Dance

It began in the molten rock

Arose a rumble from a thrum
vibration deep and slow

Refined by Spirit’s attention
to a tingling tickling at her surface

As dancing feet connected
incited to interpret freedom

As voices allowed
sacred sound as song

A continuum, a connection
a refinement of expression
rising out from the Earth

Shiny Joy

Shiny Joy

His Spirit shines out
like a bright sun

Glorifying his experience
with the joyful Zen-ness of the day

While annealed
in the crucible of experience

My joy response
is very shiny!

Rush of Spirit

Miles and miles
hours and hours
bumping along dusty dirt roads

When we came upon
lush meadow vast and green

And suddenly a-pounding
a rush of Spirit

There came a huge herd

Manes dancing
tails flying

as they took our breath away

Lightening Rod of Love

Stomping on the earth
bare toes hugging clods

Vibrations vibrating
giving massage to the loving
big and beautiful mother Earth

Arms raised toward clouds
as they flitter by —

Becoming a lightening rod of love
connecting above and below

Floating on this planet
in the midst of all creation

Focused on Up

On the fence
the cat surveyed
both sides
seeking something interesting

When little bird swooped
and tickled her ears

she focused on Up…