Round in Circles

Push and tug
up and down

Sometimes the journey
is not all about sound

Keeping the centered feeling
where it can be found

We sing in joyousness
we dance barefoot on the ground

‘Round and ‘round in circles
whether in country or town

Our souls just playing
They/ we just keep playing…

Sweet Abandon

A big juicy peach
perched in the nest
of more plebian fruit

Ready for take off
ready to explode
on the tastebuds
with sweet abandon

Revealing its beauty
in sweet rivulets
down her cheek


Caravan of Gypsies

We have a smashing good time
cavorting like squirrels
celebrating sunlight and acorns

And that dance of Spirit
wanders like a caravan of gypsies
through our tender heart space
even on the darkest of days

For we are blessed
you and I and all

Blessed beyond measure
with Love

Untamed Adventure

Into those wild places
In the dusty corners of my mind

I trek on occasion
when life seems a bit mundane

Tracking down the improbable dream
seeking out traces of inspiration
and jiggy little outbursts of glee
• • •
So much important stuff
bargaining for my attention

Time for untamed adventure…

Joyous Equilibrium

With persistence he prevailed
in his quest for dynamic equilibrium

While out beyond
ideas of who we are…

Our Spirits dance
in joyous abandon


Shiny dark green

That one large leaf up there
waves frantically, lyrically
all by itself, seeking attention
from the silent crowd below it

• • •

Like love, the ivy never gives up
I pull it off the fence
dig up the roots, cut branches
and it keeps on coming

Growing in tendrils
until once again
Love rules my heart