Beacon of Light

We each do the dance
Twirling and kicking
Stomping and gliding
Dancing with our
own personal illusions
Seeking ever
the beacon of light

in our very center

Blessed Surrender

He developed a fancy tool
It had flaps
like airplane wings
and very sophisticated mechanisms
all created for one purpose
Yet still it was very difficult
pushing the river
It was a blessed day
when it failed
and he surrendered

Joyous Sound

Upon awakening
A tiny rumble deep
Began to gather in earnest
Arising through layers
Various thicknesses
As joy does rise up the spine
Until it hits the vocal chords
The sound as clear and true
As a bell or a foghorn
Purpose ringing true
Throughout the Universe…

Tell the Wind

The strength of their resolve
bore the weight of their decisions
In the days of supple reality
on the eve of wide awakening
• • •
Tell the wind I said hello
with lips parched by water’s edge
Give Spirit my heart
wrapped in my simple humanness
And hanging all the while
to the tendrils of sweet dreams
still flapping in the breeze

The Point

Around and around
Spiraling around in tighter
And tighter circles
Closing in on the point
Sneaking up on it, so to speak
It’s amazing
that conversations like that
Touch on the point
And head back out
Without anyone getting injured
On the sharp point
Still, for that moment,
It stood there
In plain view
Clarity of mind

Sharp as a tack…

Basking Glory

Standing on the tramped down grass
In the heat of the day
The sound of hawks hunting
In the distant backdrop
With mountainous hillsides
And skittering fluffy clouds
In a brilliant blue
Here in this place
Where the path turns
Round and round again
I squint slightly
And bask in the glory

Of the lupine in the spring