Sweet Spirit

The touch upon my memory
And as sweet
As a newborn anything
Remembering the love
In my heart
For Spirit

Elder’s Journey

As the old man
looked at the “problem”
once again with the eyes of a child
All of creation
circled around
to facilitate
the moment’s miracle
• • •
The elder instills wisdom
Still within
even as the busy mind
monkeys around with knowledge

Structure of Eclectic Joy

The festive colors mixed
waving like flags
awakened visual excitement
Layers of green and multi-flowers
stacked and interspersed
as if dozens of gypsy wagons
were somehow captured and coagulated
into one riotous and celebratory
structure of eclectic joy
• • •
I stood there enraptured
certain I had ascended

and unsure how to breathe

Another Day

Oh Joy!
Another completion
Another beginning
With but a tiny rest between
The days – the daze
They keep arriving
The variation in flavor only
The endless waves
On a seashore of love
Commence once and ever
Over and over
May as well dig bare toes
Into wet sand
And lick salty lips

in soft breezes

Curious Attention

The object of their attention
was tiptoeing past them
as if they couldn’t see it
Thinking “If I don’t look at them,
they won’t see me.”

They watched with curiousity…

Perfect Stick

Mourning Dove
sat on the compost pile
Moving her head to and fro
inspecting the sticks sticking out
She’d grab first one
and then another tight in her beak
Only to drop and hop
to another section
Finally, with chest puffed up
she’d found the perfect stick
Flying off with it to build
another flimsy nest