Hopeful Kites

Pitching our dreams
to the winds o’er the cliffs
Above the valley
of the unknown
They fluttered and flapped
as they fell into the updraft
Our hopeful strings attached
they rose like colorful kites
on the warm breezes
of our breath
Glistening, sparkling in the sunlight
glowing like helium balloons
in the night

Peace with Surrender

I lift my eyes
to the pale blue skies
And with a big sigh
I let go of it all
Ahhh – such peace
comes with surrender

Miracle of Life

Everyone of us
starts off in life
with at least two miracles
under our belt

Two and counting

Every day after that
that we continue to breathe
is another miracle

May today and everyday
here on out be miraculous
beyond your sweetest dreams

Celebrate the miracle of you…

The Bumpy Road

Traveling on the bumpy road
of Happy Destiny
I came upon
a sleeping rhinoceros
harboring a sweet dream smile
in a most un-rhinoceros way
I’ve heard of letting sleeping dogs lie
and I’ve seen an elephant in the room
Still, what’s the proper procedure
when rhino’s dream?

Empty the Shoe

A rock in the shoe
throws off the gait
Misaligned by pain
causes peace to wait
It only takes a moment
to empty the shoe…

Unfolding Moment

Becoming a human being…
A process of unfoldment
that is always self-fulfilled
In every moment
like a lotus prophecy