
yellow drifters flit and glide
rising all around us
like powdered earth
poofing warm around bare toes
wafting clouds of fertile dirt
air close and fragrant rich
• • •
meadow embraces
puffy clouds peek
expansive sky

Humble Be

The plight of the humble me
buzzes around like a bumbling insect
sharing fertile, fluffy pollen willy-nilly
or so it would seem
Sometimes, it sticks
bearing right-sized fruit
Other times, it does not
Loud and willful barrenness
where twigs once sprouting die
Apparent patterns shimmer
among the dappled sunlight
shadows play in humility
 ever dancing past the music’s end…



       extremes of this or that

A nother 

        time making the choice
        which feels cleanest, most natural

L oving 

         it all unconditionallly
         In harmony and forgiveness
         without judgement

A ligned 

         with intention
         for highest good

N urturing 

          acceptance and self-care

C entered 

          in Being, doing from center

E volving 

         with compassion and consciousness

So Big

It’s so big, it’s so good
I stretch to contain it
until my heart feels it 
could burst
Then, I realize as
open up my real eyes
I can swim in it
I can be full of it
Permeated with all good
with only a thin skin
of personality
of me-ness within all-ness
It’s all so very luxuriously
one good – big good

Field or Shelter

Our greatest happiness
in the field of possibility
rather than the
shelter of certainty
I am certain of
my love of Spirit
and joyous about
the possibilities of life…


Can the heart hold any more?
So much love, so much joy
connections, re-connections
family spirit to Spirit
Friends old and just met
the splendor of nature at dawn
the cracking open heart
• • •
A touchstone experience
The heart’s reminder
penetrating, concentrated joy
feeds the soul in years to come
a lifetime of preciousness