Spirit’s Song

A candle lit
Within my heart
Burning brightly
With the force
Of Spirit’s desire
The sweetness of Spirit’s song
Upon my lips

Sing on…

A Twig for Your Thoughts

Pick a twig
off a lavender bush
Pull off the bottom leaves
and stick it in the earth
It grows…
What if we were like that?
our thoughts are!

Skipping It

“Skip it,” ladybug declared
as she rushed out of her nest
Heading out to be busy
Around 10 o’clock
she was really sorry
she had said that
And even sorrier
that she had indeed
“Skipped it”
Empty bravado
begets less

than it might seem

Out for a Sail

Like sailors flying over waves
of emotion and other liquid dramas
Compassion and empathy…
compatriots in many circles
Rode aloft the sleeve
of unconditional love
Stiff breezes flapping the hair
and their cheeks with brisk splashes of reality

Falls Trek

It’s time to plant
A winter’s garden
To toil in soil and clear ground
Make way through summer’s crop
and begin fall’s trek into winter
The seeds of greenness and deep roots
flourish in the autumn warmth
‘Neath still moist earth
rushing lazily to break through
• • •
There are seasons to our growth
and times to clear tired and leggy leftovers
from a season past
May your new harvest be bountiful…

Hairy Samurai

Kamikaze squirrel
little hairy samurai
Praying to his food
in reverence
as vehicles whizz by
Standing there on the pavement
at the edge of the freeway
Reminds me of the truth
that Spirit is everywhere
that it’s all sacred
…that foolish faith
makes for an intrepid warrior