Life Takes Over

Life just takes over
like a speeding car
with a stuck accelerator
And , then I breathe
Here is the apex moment
where the choice arises
Fight in fear and anger
or surrender to God
And, then I breathe
Centering in being and doing
what I am guided to do

And life takes over…

Spirit Wind

Spirit Wind

Like a wisp of smoke
on the wind
My prayers
lifted into Spirit
Only to manifest
as rainbows in my heart

Beautiful Feelings

Feelings rise up and out
charging forward
a herd of wild horses
Best expressing the beauty
of their existence
when running free
unhampered by judgmental fences
• • •
Unconditional love
flows like water
takes on the form of its container
I am an open faucet…

Frosty Gaze

Morning frost bit
even as it decorated
every leaf and tendril
• • •
Lake choppy later
now dark and still
Water smoothing corners
wherever they threatened
with its chill countenance
• • •
Heart awakened
by hooves trampling
regained composure
as gaze partook
Snuggled deeper
in the depths of sleeping bag

Points of Light

He had his way of doing
and she had hers
Like stars in the night
there were points of light
where both ways intermingled
Tolerance and love
solved the rest
except those few that required

a good dose of humor

Mock Turkey

Mock turkey
hiding in the grass
As his wattle wiggles
‘neath white beard and red hat
Pretending to be
what he is not
Mocking the people
and their eating beliefs
that they were taught
Merry thanks to you…