Glorious Sound

There, in that echo-y room
amidst steamy mists
and freshened skin
There is a glorious sound
full heart, full voice
Spontaneous celebration of Life
bursts through dammed up feelings
Infuses the brand new day
in joyous harmony with the Universe
Happy Day!

Thrill of Knowing

So, it’s all alive
juicy, energetic, expressive
Every atom, every bug,
every four-legged, my cousins
the planet, Auntie Moon, the galaxy…
Can you feel the thrill of that knowing
in your spine?

Hello Hawk

Hawk ducked under
the low trees in the backyard
to do a little dance
and say hello
Ruffle the feathers, turn around
shake the tail, bow and dip
stare for a bit and turn again
Hawk says “hi’
then soars again

Showing Up

He testifies his courage
every moment he shows up
present for life
Even when he’d rather
be completely immersed in a book…

Eternity of Gratitude

One foggy morning…
a stillness had overcome me
Not silence, for I could hear their breathing
I looked up and was surrounded
an honoring, a peaceful moment
One small eternity of gratitude
welling in my heart
Then, a noisy neighbor
startled deer into flight

Life’s Purpose

He remained on purpose
Even as he scuffled about
performing life’s little errands
His life’s purpose

ever reigned…