Ever the optimist
always doing the “right” thing
Waiting patiently
for the inevitable good ending
right outcome
Putting in ever more elbow grease
effort unceasing
Dealing with cards dealt
finding the lining
or at least hints of it
With smile and hope
and bits of sparkle
“Embrace the impossible,”
was all that she said
Yet like a digging vole
it got ensconced within his head
So blessings came and went
and miracles happened when knees bent
Life stretched to encompass
experience rich and deep
whenever ideas and actions
like a fine cup of tea steeped
• • •
One word, two, or maybe, three
can change the world, and do
every day, all the time
So, what do you say?
Distilled essence emerges when still
having gone through the fire
heat of passionate emotion
at the eternal spring
spirit’s grace
Refreshing , soothing
awakened, still
Sailing on the E-moceans
with crisp breezes
countered by undercurrents
of vast feelings
Fastened with instruments
ingeniously designed
to harness even difficult waves
Enough to catch enormous energy
for useful purposes (or porpoises?)
How clever!!!
Across the world
in the curl of a smile
eyes crinkled and engaged
Sagas sung as ragas
going on for ages like bronze
or other forensic terms
pass by in the single beat of a butterfly wing
That which separates the space between us
is the same
as that which supports the illusion
of ever marching time
As I enter the mythical maze
with a smiling ticket
and a pocket full of incongruities
synapses occur
It used to be in days of yore
or yesterday, by my count
You could cut the fabric of life
in two ways, typical straight
or zigzag – to prevent fraying
Until fancy craft scissors
came along in plastic tubs
Made in China
• • •
She was cut from a different cloth
some edges ripped or torn along the way
some cut with fancy scissors curlicued
while others frayed
Wrinkled in time
yet, time itself cut straight through
leaving her meanderings in but a moment
Her days spent as they started
gone before they blossomed