Dancing Heart

Sensing something different
she held perfectly still
as perfectly as she could
While her dancing heart
contemplated this new
experience of transition
Intrepid dreamer
awakening to a fresh day
doe eyes drifting into focus
Riding on the hem
of vision’s misty cloak


The record for the most words
written within 30 seconds
cannot be easily established 
generally speaking
• • •
Meanwhile, his thoughts took a turn
when he started using
his own internal shorthand

Love’s Grace

You and me

sittin’ under a tree


First came Love

then came marriage

Forever and ever

’til way beyond 

this rare age

• • •

Romance renewed

each time I see your face

The comfort in my heart

blessed by Love’s grace

• • •

Here’s appreciating all of you 

kids at heart

***Happy Valentine’s Day!***

Always remember that Spirit is crazy in love with you…

Mystery Singing

Wolf naturally

runs in the pack

being a family person

a tribe person

the rogue only so

while unmated

Howling, singing

to the mystery

is his delight


spring forth
with new life
Delicate and tender shoots
stronger than muscle men
As they burst through
the hull and leap up
to greet the sun


All the souls upon the earth
We each are on our journey home
We tug and pull, laugh and cry
Together, we dance on our own
Tell me your story
I’ll tell you mine
Upon our journey
let’s all have a good time