Exterior Decorating

Decorative phrases
fill the sensitive body
like paisley vines on the march
under skittish trees
Tickle the plains with herds
of words and topics broad
instigate emotional mobs
twisting concepts to fit the story
Art or craft capable
of painting hints of mystery
blatant lies lined up single file
or stamped portraits from broken molds
An abstract for
the logical mind

End of the Road

On the edge of the wilderness
at the end of the road
where the creek burbles sweetly
and the bear occassions by
We gather our water
rinse the dust from our faces
nap on a rock in the sun
while new leaves and old needles
dapple the light around us
Light breezes ruffle red dirt
lizards wake and scramble
and birds sing to us all the while

Playing Small

The tabby was a big fat cat
who commanded attention
by his very presence
Yet, he thought of himself
as still a little guy
He would hide under the easy chair
where only his head fit
He was convinced
his backside was invisible
as it stuck out for all to see
Sometimes, others just don’t see us
the way we see ourselves
in our playing big or small


When walking with aplomb
or skipping just for fun
you can know you are the one
just ambulating along
Still, what if on a train
or flying in a plane?
I’m just trying to explain
the theory’s still not wrong
Muscles, bones, and feet
your own mind and physical feats
even when jet fuel or diesel meet
by your own choice you move along

as Life keeps moving on…


From whence the oak?
the bitter acorn
Ah, yes, that is so
From what bitter seed
did your greatness arise?
There is so much
to be grateful for…


So, once, the story
went one way, full of pain
and drama and woe
Then he decided
to make up a new past
and he created a masterpiece story
Suddenly, the sun got brighter
his footstep lightened
and the birds sang at his mirth…