
When you look at
all of the galaxy
all that we are aware
of actually existing
Just think how much
it resembles the spark of life
within an atom
Creation is awesome…

Excitement of Being

Can you handle it?
The excitement, the buzz, the adrenaline
the rush of being all you’re meant to be
doing what you were made to do


When it’s all flowing right
and you’ve pushed through
your self-made limitations

There your Spirit shines

I guess I need sunglasses!

Life’s Gifts

In truth, the little bird
could barely contain his heart
Racing as it was
with his excitement
What surprises and gifts
life brings…

Following Joy

Positively fascinating!
The way life works
when one follows the joy
Sliding down the dry grassy hill
on carriages of cardboard
Climbing up the swaying tree
until hair and leaves are one
Diving in the clear, still pond
near the wide sunning rock
So many ways to follow joy
So many ways life just works!


Courage wells up
in my heart
Once I’ve stepped
into my fear
I am here to support you
in your courageousness
To en-courage you
on your path

Lizard Dreams

Lizard puffed up in the grass
tried to look like a snake
On the rock, he stood still
-“freeze and they won’t see me”-
until we got too close
Then, he resembled a twig
in the strong wind
as he whizzed away
Survival looks many ways
when you’re small
Still, you can always grow a new tail
a new appendage of healing
Lizard dreams while sunning
while sunning on a nice warm, flat rock