Tomato Sublime

One spent tomato plucked late from the vine
still retains a semblance of a happier time
When Sun and water, soil and and breeze combined
to contribute to a flavor, oh so sublime
• • • … • • •
The juice it runs down the chin
a renegade seed upon the cheek
The heady tomato smell fills the nose
Oh, gosh, a fresh tomato tastes fine
• • • … • • •
Summer is headed toward waning
some leaves are thinking of browning
Still, tomatoes are harvested everywhere
going out now to the garden to get mine

The Experience

Oh, it moved me
her song in earnestness
Yes, it moved me
It stirred me in my depths
clapping and dancing
we rose to celebrate
as it moved us
and the Song renewed our faith
Piano man
his fingers dancing
he was playing out Spirit
through the keyboard
and his heart
• • • 
hearts expanding wide
We each sharing our Spirit
individuals in community
a conscious community of Love

Acting As If

Bragging as kids
we’d act “as if”
and many times pull it off
• • • º • • •
I have an idea
let’s give it a go
We can tape it together
cardboard and masking tape
Pretend it’s all fancy
and see it it flies…

Brilliant Star

Like bone buttons
on a dark blue velvet vest
we stood out with depth
As brilliant stars on a moonless night
danced across the conciousness
One tiny speck, all bright and blue
whirled and twirled
with uncommon shyness and innocence
And complete disregard
of looks askance
or references to misbehavior
For all her beauty
and heartfelt love shone
far brighter than the rich
depth of her worldly experience

I Am Peace

Remind me again
where’s the peace?
The piece of the universe
in which I inhabit
on any given moment
Where I Simply Am
all doing aside
That place which is everywhere
surrounding and throughout
consciously acknowledged
is Peace

A Better Place

It’s a better place, we live in
we breathe in, we create in
we expand in
It’s a better place
than even yesterday
because we are who we are
And you make it fun
and we’re real and we dance
through our challenges
With love
unconditional love…