Do Be, Do Be, Do…

Did you ever notice…
how it is, that what you do
is exactly, exactly what is needed
when you are doing from your being
when you are being and doing flows
Let it go, relax, and be
and as you do you’ll see
The world has waited so long
for you to be and do
with all your heart, all your being

Ah, Nuts!

Dreary grey morning
cool and brisk
Squirrel runs by fast
“Where are those nuts?”
Time to hunker down
Time to consider layers
Time to bring out the teapot
And, when the sun does come out
there are still glorious colors
awaiting our perusal

Connecting Threads

Interwoven passages
twined, twisted, knotted
midst straight warp
Lives interlocked
the circle of seven
weaving the fabric of our lives
All connected
threads of love and grief
anger and joy
inspiration and exhalation
Made of a cloth
You and I…

Stalking the Wild

Urban hunting season
has come early this year
•  •  •
It’s time to start stalking
wild and renegade feijoa –
the uncivilized pineapple guava
As cunning as any wild varmint
they hide amongst the bushes
Like plump green Easter eggs
waiting to be plucked and scooped
•  •  •
Even amidst the hustly bustly
the feral and intrepid thrive…

Ocean Memory

Within the conch
the memory of the ocean
sings out, always
The symphony of the sea
never forgotten…
• • •
With the conch
we clear the air
while summoning
ancient wisdom
haunting our bones
ocean memory
awakening, tingling
salty water within our bodies
our symphonic instruments


Sunlight through the leaves
reveals their bones
their physical essence
So, light through you
reveals your essence
You are abundance
You are peace
You are joy and bliss
and all of you
You are Love…