Happy Winter Gift

Instead of our normal e-cards this year we are offering up here the words of several past napkins with Dena’s images and accompanied by our Soul’s Journey band singing our original song called Unconditional Love.  It was our first attempt, and there are many things that could be done differently, however, we have decided to release this video with unconditional love, recognizing that it is evidence of our sweet journey!

May you be blessed with an abundance of joy, peace, harmony, and community, surrounded by love!!

Dance of Life

In the cosmic dance
the partners swing out
away from each other
Then, like magnets
are drawn back together
in a great spiral
The Earth she is returning
to the light that is our Father
Blessed be the
dance of Life


*Special Note: Today is our 9th wedding anniversary. 
What a blessing for the both of us.  We’re very grateful!*
Three is stable
a building block
a triangle
The wholly trinity
you, me, and Spirit
• • • 
Those lips
oh those lips
Oohed out
in a super pucker
Remind me of
how precious
this very moment is…
• • • 
I appreciate you
with all of my being
Your spirit
your foibles
your gold
your shadow
All of you!

Little One

That little one inside
with the big eyes innocent
and wanting to believe!
Is a great companion
on a trip to the beach
or lightly fingering colors
in creative anticipation
And, yet, not someone
to put in charge
on a jaunt toward serious
life threatening business
(Little one says)
“Let’s go play some
frisbee, instead.”

Awake Once

Once, and only once
we achieve enlightenment
Awake with the very fiber
of our being
Once, each nanosecond
that we are fully alive

Riding the Stream

She was putzing
floating on the moment
from this project to that
Riding her stream of consciousness
the alarm rang
Wow — there was
a lot accomplished