Emotional Tsunami

A wave of emotion
an ocean tsunami
storms uprising
or deeper movement
Surprising the sun
with jewel-like reflections
Appearing playful
or angry or brutal
hiding fear in the reactions of others

When done, washed through

all is changed and clear…

Bless the Frog

Dreams awakened
by a frog on the forehead
have a whole different flavor
Than musings fraught
with idle moment’s fancies
or even whirring wheels
of worry’s wiles
Bless the frog
Don’t throw him across the room


The shadows play big
with the light from the side
Shade stretching and slithering
across the landscape

• • •

She pumped her feet
and leaned deep in the push
going higher and higher
-but never any lower-
As her shadow slid
like a water slick
across the dappled ground

Another Beginning

Rookie ‘til the end
For it’s an eternal
ever now beginning
And the “end” is actually
(let’s not mistake it for otherwise),
another beginning

• • •

A wise one said sagely
to stay in beginner’s mind
How could one not?
Since each and every single moment
is, in itself, a new beginning

Circle Blessing

the delicate white spider
deliberately walked
the circumference
of our circle, then disappeared
Who was that blessing us?
What part of me-you-us-all?
Self-affirmation of the One

Same Sun

Over the hill
on the other side
the day shines 
with the light
from the same sun
as this side
And, when you’re there,
on that other side,
this side 
is the other side
where daylight
under the same sun
And so it goes
the dance 
dance in the sun…