Life has been
berry, berry good to me
Juicy, luscious
so delicious
Even in winter
when berries are only
thinking of becoming
My mouth waters
as I discover anticipation
once more each year
• • •
What a gift is life!
What a treat are berries!
Once again, I am rendered
sense-more with gratitude
A bunch of hooey!
(but not on my shooey)
Just throwing it around
as he relished the sound
of his own voice
All for the fun of it
like the Stooges woo-wooed it
or Laurel and Hardy danced it
when the camera was around
A lark in the park
or a laugh in the dark…
It all keeps us saying
Big, fluffy squirrel
looked in at me
holding me still with her eyes
Paws gripping and ungripping
tail struggling not to flitter
Sunlight speckling
an abstract background
Moments stretched
to more and longer
My fingers wanting to tap
toes aching to dance
Wishing I had a tail to swish
Caught in the magic of the light
squirrel encounter…
In the wild places
where civilization
and wilderness coincide
co-reside and co-exist
Bears take a stroll
in the parking lots
deer eat the pansies
and coyotes track kitty cats
There in that place
wild artists chalked beauty
And a happy porcupine
observed with flying prickles
leaning on elbows
in his wild west wagon of joy…
The intensity of inspiration
rides on the bobbing heels
of fierce joy
Tumbles off lips with abandon
bursts into existence
before any loquacious editorial
Though any attempt
failed at capping the stream of it
Still, hearts all around
In the pools and eddies
of residual epiphanies
Each day a prayer
A walking prayer for all
rising up through the bones
circulating in the blood
infilling my being
Creator, open our eyes
that we may see the truth
Open our ears
that we may hear the truth
Make our hearts strong
that we may walk in a good way
on the rough and rocky road
of truth on this planet