Circle of Community

Circle of Community

The Daily Napkin

Circle of Community

We sat together, you and I
in the circle of community,
the circle of life…
We all joined hands
in spiral dance,
gifting healing to the world
dancing with deer and squirrels,
bears and ancient wise ones,
massaging the air
with the breath of life
in song from our hearts.

Circle of Community

More Awake

The Daily Napkin

more awake

More Awake

There in the depths tendrils with unbelievable strength venture forth, exploring, reaching for sustenance and grace in the moment. All attention is here, seeking —ever present to the warmth of the earth, even while crisp air invites the leaves to dance and stomp with the wind. Not asleep — more awake, seeking…

Circle of Community

Spiral Dance

The Daily Napkin

Spiral Dance

Spiraling out from
your center
is a rainbow
of love
light ever singing,
ever dancing
in hues abundant

Circle of Community

Spring in the Step

The Daily Napkin

Spring in the Step

Feeling the delicate
touch of the false spring breeze,
he fell natural prey to optimism,
clearly lightening his step
and immersing him
in the joy of Spirit
within him

Circle of Community


The Daily Napkin

“Finally”, she thought,
“I can rest in my
knowledge.  I have the
answers.  Bring on the
questions!”  Huh?
Oh, if it only truly
worked that way!

Circle of Community

Bath of Spirit

The Daily Napkin

Bath of Spirit

Steeped in a bath
of Spirit stuff —-
full flavor
awakening and expanding
like her favorite tea,
she flowered and blossomed,
even more than when a bush,
more fully with every bit
of her being.
–Always loved baths.