Caterpillar Dream

A caterpillar
somehow keeps track
of all it’s legs,
while dreaming
of flying

Year 2 cloud

One lovely cloud
dancing ‘cross the sunbright sky
appears to be most anything
wearing a fluffy disguise

Year 3

Year 3

In this moment
every bit of joy
is available
You can choose to Bliss out
at any time
Knowing that gives us more
hutzpahto play the game
Samadhi me

Daily Napkin for Thursday, October 15, 2009

Daily Napkin for Thursday, October 15, 2009

in the quiet moments
like unoccupied wispy webs,
thoughts of you,
there in my heart,
tickle my fancy
awaken my soul,
ever deeper the urge
on the journey
from head to heart to home

Head to Heart to Home

Head to Heart to Home

small voice becoming
recognizable in the din
of every day
of everyone
Hearing the whispers
of the small one
lean into the listening
walking softly
on my path

Promise of Sun’s Return

Promise of Sun’s Return

Promise of Sun’s Return

And when the plants parched
and droop, the rain
splashes and drizzles
wind and bluster

Roots wading in mud
their grip loosed to grow

Birds tuck heads
under wing and wait,
the promise of sun’s return