Warm Sun

On the hillside, near the pond
he sat with furrowed brow
as he contemplated the travel
of the ladybug across the grass-blade highway
The sun was warm on her busy back…

Wings of Change

The affinity of angels
like a glue that holds together
keeps belief in loving miracles
afloat on wings of change
May the blessings of the ages
surround your presence
like a jeweled quilt of light
May the courage and persistence
of the eagle dining in the road
steel your stance in times of need
On the top of mountain peaks
or in the bed of meandering streams
the awe-filled heart
is nourished and loved
beyond any man-conceived measure

Gold Lamé

The healed seams in his aura
glistened like gold lamé
his broken heart mended
The story they told was old
of life with good wife
and other exterior props
The truth shone through
from a deeper bond –
his hard work and Spirit
In-filled joy is easy and bright…
*There is a practice among Japanese potters. When they fix a broken pot, they fill the crack with gold, honoring the experiences that caused the breakage, and  treating that breakage and subsequent repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.

Creative Room

There, inside that space
the size of a mustard seed
-in your heart-
resides a room
of your own
It is full and running over
with a treasury of jewels
sacred and profane
It is a place
for you to create

Fragrant Moment

A flower blossoms
but once
yet the plant flowers
many times
Each moment
is a new flower
Take good care of the plant
water it, nurture it
and bask in Spirit’s 
sweet aroma
blossoming each moment

Spring of Life

One tiny thought
watered and sunned
nurtured and supported
Can become anything
your heart desires
So, just like a flower
the many petals of my soul
burst forth in beauty and grace
It is the Spring of life in this moment…