Daily Napkin for Thursday, December 17, 2009

Upon the whispering of the words
the story came alive
delciate gossamer threads
woven to epic proportions
mountains of granite and snow
from simple mounds
stacked one piece upon another
by mole or beaver or even ant
excitement arose in the glint of the eye
the wave of the hand
the painting of the scenery
the telling of the tale

Daily Napkin for Monday, December 14, 2009

Simmering beliefs
bubble up familiar
experiences and situations
Remember the spring
as winter hastens…
the blossoming and budding
emerges from dead brown stems
simmer then the sweet,
the fragrance of applesauce
lingers — just a suggestion

Year two – Soaring

Year two – Soaring

In your dreams
have you not flown
with the birds,
or swum with the fishies?
Immerse yourself
in the essence
of life and soar!
What is resistance
but lift beneath my wings,
rocks in the stream
but a thrill in the flow?

year one – silence

Silence is
an important part
of communication
as you listen to
the space between
the moments