Pond Mirror

On the rock that day
by the pool, so still
and alive in unseen depths,
the dragonflies rejoiced
in meadow and fertile air
Occasional plops and slurps
vibrated throught viscous silence
as there I saw my face
in that magic miror…
Without comment,
turtle slowly shuffled by…

Daily Napkin for Tuesday, January 5, 2010

mind, body, feeling, and Spirit
all parts of my expression
pulling together
every part of my being
into the one I've always been
of the single note with clarity
ringing out like a bell
in the symphony of life
Integrous isolation in the face
of true integration
with all that is

Daily Napkin for Monday, January 4, 2009

Daily Napkin for Monday, January 4, 2009

On a path of steady change
in an era of shifting scenes
their friendship was as sturdy
as the colors locked
within one prism…
Bring in the the light,
let in the light
and the colors dance
across all surfaces…
Yet, in the dark,
where we cannot see —
still, the colors lurk
Friends through all

Daily Napkin for Thursday, December 31, 2009

Taking stock
of happy thoughts
and other implements
of filling a full life
a smile here and after

Then satisfactory milestones
and the pleasant marking
of new territory covered throughout

We stalk with gratitude
and unconditional love
as we head out
toward unexplored horizons