Daily Napkin for Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Napkin for Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Raven squawked
and ruffled her tail
contemplating loudly
walking the land
a lady in wait
Feathers so dark and somber
even as she strutted
with life and wisdom
Darkness imploded
and struck accord
Re-emerged the birth
of light

Daily Napkin for Monday, January 11, 2010

Daily Napkin for Monday, January 11, 2010

Telling the story
with a bit of a flair
selling the concept
with every little detail
The theme builds ridges
grooves in my mind
till I think one directional
one perspective all the time
Rattling cages, shaking the story
Dancing on housetops
A different view from above

Threefer Year 3 joy

Opening his heart
with love for life
and the world,
little meadowlark sang
greeting the brand new day

Year 3 Gratitude

She found that her gratitude
carried her out of any valley,
healed the pain
of any situation
She became grateful
for her gratitude

year 3

“Aw, gee,” said little bug, “Why me?”
Then he took up
the load he was given
and walked off
toward his destination

Daily Napkin for Thursday, January 7, 2010

Juicy sweet, and
dripping down the chin,
life just keeps on delivering
more and more of the good stuff
Grateful, I am…
for every morsel
for each chewy bit
for this magnificent
gift of life!