Year 2 Possum

just playing
made squirrel noises
in the bush
He had to chuckle to himself
when thinking
of that poor confused
two-legged looking up
in the tree

Year 2 Silence

Clearing the mind
turtle sat in silence
Even while little anties crawled
across her face
she tarried still
in the arms of peace

Year 3 Happy

Bumbling along
the little guy was trying to carry
far too big a load
His little arms
were taxed
almost beyond capacity
Still, with his innocent heart
his face harbored
his shiny smile

Daily Napkin for Thursday, January 14, 2010

In the dark of the new moon
in the wilderness alone
wandering up the hill
The gurgling sound of creek
drew near in the silent seeking heart
as open as eyes wide
calling, “Guide me” in whispered voice
so quiet — the thoughts could barely hear the plea…
Here, now, stop and listen
In this moment, it is perfect

Daily Napkin for Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daily Napkin for Wednesday, January 13, 2010


One full turning
of a life, of the year,
of the month, the week
One full turning
each moment
Spirals within spirals
In and out again
’round and ’round
Love expresses
in all its aspects


Mother, teach me
of the grace, the exquisite
turning of the seasons
This morning I awoke
upon a sky full of diamonds
nestled in mists
and chilled cheeks and toes
Muddy greetings through foggy breath
shivering spined awake
Teach me to remember
my connection to the path