Daily Napkin for Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Over in the meadow
where the mists like jewels
were just lifting
to reveal the deepest emerald
She lifts her veil
and there in the new sunlight
the pond awakens, sparkles
in a silence like a velvet robe
The rich, verdant vision
courses through my veins
and dewey chill shivers my spine
Ah, to be alive!

Daily Napkin for Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Centered in heart
between sky and earth
between inner and outer
in the sweet spot
of Soul expressing
There in all consciousness
the song burst forth
in all of joyousness
and lit up the universe
— a beacon of Love

Saying Yes

a consipicuous moment
of revelation and understanding
he raised up on tip-toe
extended his arms
and shouted, “Yes!”
It was enough

Live Song

Live Song

I heard him singing
the sound drifting
through the walls
with that distorted echo
that happens sometimes.
I thought, “he is alive.”
He is a man
with song



In the quiet moments,
my Spirit
shouts in tender whisper
“Life is a miracle!”
It’s then I realize
the gratitude
for it all
just welling up
like a bubbling spring