Praise Song

The sweet, sweet smell
narcissus heady
joyous spirit ready
to fully aloft we swell
Voices joined soaring
full bodied roaring
where one true voice dwells
and there in the making
singing in the choir praising
ring out the sound
of love like a bell

Deer Blessing

On a foggy night
in city gray
sadness poking at the flame
of hope in my heart
Aloneness wrapped about
shoulders like a heavy cloak
headlights discovered
four-legged figures
milling about
in my driveway
they would not move,
so I eased in amongst them
Deer blessing (until they shuffled off)
Gratitude and Joy

Friend Song

They were buddies
travelin’ through life
side by side
singing and dancing
with sadness and gladness
anger and joy…
Even on a foggy morning
when the crows and jays
pursed their beaks in silent
honor of the moist stillness…
They sang in the warmth
of their friendship
silly or earnest
old show tunes or operatic phrases
buddies in Life…

Every Child

“You can’t always hit it out of the ballpark”, he said.

“Yes”, she replied, “And…

A mother loves each
and every child
with all her heart.”

Each new effort
every creation
sparked by the Muse
expanded from the ethers
a new child
lovingly brought forth

Perhaps each delicate blossom
bears not full grown fruit
yet the beauty
of the shrunken petal
yearns for appreciation
for its flowering
and its shrinking

Monkey Mind

He sat
and his thoughts whizzed by
monkeys chittered and chattered
dancing in his head
He sat
and the world whizzed by
strife and troubles yelled and poked
whirling in his head
He sat
and his dreams floated by
promise and hope tickle
soothing instead
He sat
and he settled in peace
listening to silence within

Window to Her World

Like invisible cellophane
the window to her world
would flex and move
with her every movement,
yet restricted and
kept her from
the full experience…
Until the day
she closed her eyes
and stepped outside
She awoke to brilliance that day…