Daily Dalliance

A dalliance a day
just gazing at the sun
early morning ritual
standing on the earth
breezes kissing cheeks
grateful for the gift of life
grateful for this day
grateful for the warmth of sun
and his loving light
grateful for my mother earth
and the strength she does imbue
grateful for the winds of change
and the fire of Spirit
a dalliance with Beloved One

Summer daze

The smell of new mown grass
like watermelon fresh
awakens memories
the sun warming bones
ants tickling on their trek
carrying bits of things
yet no implements
the energy of earth
palpable and nurturing
the music of bugs and birds
the salty taste of hot days

Prosperity of the Soul

More than enough
everything filled
joy, peace, love
bliss even
ever running over
abundance of spirit
prosperity of the soul
for all

Encounter of the Bear Kind

In the light of the quarter moon
as stars snuggled
in the crisp velvet sky
yet again, I encountered
the big black dog
from across the way
Prickly pines leaned in to hear
what I would say
“Go home, Smokey” was all
the bear turned slowly
grunted and lumbered away
Left standing breathless
Bear blessing

Fire in My Bones

Many cold wet days
the winds blow
counter to my thoughts
yet there is the fire
in the center of my hearth
sparking new ideas
warming my bones
burning passion for life
on even the darkest night

Doorstep of My Soul

As I rise
in the morning
the early dawn
even before the birds
I find the peace
my whole day sought
on the doorstep
of my soul