
The candle over the heart
burned for days, on and an,
keeping the hopes alight
extending the prayers
through the long,
dark night
the flame steady
in the stillness
providing stillness
amidst all the days activities

Cookie Jar

One never knew
what would be found
in the cookie jar
always there
on the counter
on a cold rainy day
when the hearth was warm
or a hot summer one
as we flew by

Each and every day
is a delectible delight
soft and chewy
or sweet and crisp
Every moment grace
serves up a surprise treat

Spirit’s Sap

The branch so lofty
and gnarled
huge and magnificent
still reaches lightly
with every tiny fingerlet
for the inspiration
of the sky
toes buried deep and searching
May you be a conduit
today between above and
below for Spirit’s sap

Supplemental images

the wavering sparkle
of intricate web wet with dew
the lazy flight of nits
and bugs in the warm light
cascades of shades of green
cooling my experience
the ooze of wet dirt
between the planted toes
There is delight in the garden
with the bonus of vegetables


While waiting
for his back feet to catch up
inchworm contemplated
enjoying the moment
such a zen life

* * * * * * * * *

There is an eternity
in each and every
mo * ment
a lifetime
in the blink of an eye

Beacon of Truth

in several worlds
with only a face
to portray
seven dimensional being
and still
at the point
of convergence
The heart
powered by love
a beacon of truth
perceived or not
believed or not
throughout all