Destination Unknown

On the road to some unknown dreaming…

Beauty peace and thrill

all plentiful-road stands

on familiar byways

Landscape speckled

with billboards of consciousness

selling truths

of a deep and meaningful nature

Experiences sprinkled

with meals spent with friends

and relatives on warm evenings

fed by the soul


I say Yes!

(even when I don’t like it)

I say Yes!

(though it’s not according to my plan)

I say Yes!

(too good to be true)

I say Yes!

(with open arms, ready)

I say Yes!

to God’s will

Blessed day in Great Mystery


In the Now

In the Now

Gladly involved in fun

and fun-ness inspired

tip-toeing on fence tops

chasing the twittering birds

as they flutter by

Silly is as silly does

even on task-ness

as in basking in the sun

Tail flicking at air nits

relaxed readiness…




the rose

even the most perfect

each petal

unique in its curl and turn

ruffled expression

Flaws glorified

by sweet aroma

and presentation

as part of the whole

All one in beauty


Blessing Song

Blessing Song

Gathered beneath the trees,

the flowered ones

huge and majestic


on that knob of a hill

where sun baked thoughts

of lazing about

or travel on yachts


There we sang

in full resonant force

of life and with zest

Our voices blessing the landscape

like coyotes in the distance

and there we awoke

a new dream

Simple Song

A simple song, really

threads it’s way

throughout my consciousness

embeds itself with ease

in the intricate corners

so that at every turn

of phrase or moment

there it pops up

sparks epiphanies

inciting insights