Frozen Mud

Frozen Mud

Frosty leaves on frozen mud
crackle and creak under foot
As sharp breezes cut
through nooks and crannies
I didn’t know my coat had
Briskly chafed cheeks
summon colors not unlike the leaves
Birds, hardy like crows
poke at the crisp blue sky
through mists and steel gray
With beak and wing and caws
almost muffled by the chill

Gourmet Chickens

They were all excited
clucking and rushing
Each new rock or stump
as we turned them over anew
Scraps are a treat…
but bugs and worms…
In rubber galoshes
hoods cutting the mist
We fed the chickens
and hunted bugs
How could it get any better?
Friend Always

Friend Always

even though it may sometimes
seem that I take you for granted
or some such
the truth is I appreciate you
for who you are – all of you
for all you do
for all you refrain from doing
for being my friend always
even when I’m acting
like a putz

Gratitude’s Grace

Like the tender unfolding
of each petal delicate
The victory of gratitude
declared my heart
a blessed zone of peace
one thanks at a time
My tears of happy
slip like rivers
down my cheeks

Sudden Turn

The path through
the thick woods
Took a turn
off to the right
And suddenly opened
to a broad meadow
Bright sunlight sparkled
off the wings
of dozens of dragonflies

House of Kindness

Our house, if considered
speaks silently
of our lives and nameless quirks
Stoically witnesses
our poetry and sciences
And surrounds our life together
with kindness and generosity