Blessings of You

Blessings of You

It’s so easy to count the blessings
of having you in my life
When I consider
a lifetime of days
As strings of baubles
jewels lined up
Sparkling with the light
of love and appreciation
Thank you…
Seed of Winter

Seed of Winter

When the grays go on for days
punctuated only with drizzle and splash
and life has taken to cozying up in corners
to ward off the cold
then after a while I take it personally
in my mind
This time of retreat bears
a gift of warmth inside
the tiny seed of expanding hope
in my heart
Paths of Heart

Paths of Heart

All times past have gathered now
With naught but troubled mind
To whisper judgements on the now
while paths of heart we find
Seeking peace and joy and love
each day in stillness flight
And knowing brightness of the day
throughout the darkness of night

Fires of Inspiration

Fanning the flames of inspiration
with leftover gusto
from a night of sweet camaraderie
The flow of pure poetry
arose in his heart
in a burst of light and warmth

Sustainable Peace

Sustainable peace
within my center
Emanates waves of love
punctuated frivously
with outbursts of joy
how that all works
as One
Sun in Bones

Sun in Bones

Sun is in my bones

happiness is my heart’s name
on foggy morning
Last summer on rock
like cold blooded lizard sunned
welcomed sun in bones
Two haikus ’bout bones
summer residing in them
warm rocks are my friends