In the wildness
where salamander scuttled
under rushing river waters
shy dear would boldly visit us
and eyes and hair as wild
In the canvas tent staked
near the crumbling foundation
of the old gold claim
Once in the past
(a moment, a day, or years ago)
our eyes met
I knew you then
as if I’d known you always
My heart expanded
aching joy and love
and I knew bliss
Forever friends
my dear sweet partner
Simple little song
birthed from the depths of complication
Rises up as bubbles do
light and charming
Freckled by truth’s simplicity
a ditty from the soul
A gift from that child
who finally stopped to play
It turns and turns
spinning threads of Spirit
for the tapestry of Life
We weave our lives
with each decision
Create patterns with family
in warp and woof
friends add color and strength
Spinning wheel
turning me
Make me a strong thread
in their tapestry
For this moment
as I remember to breathe in
and listen to the small, still voice
I am grateful in every cell
for the wonderful gift of life
and the blessings showered upon me
right now
For this moment
I remember the power of humility
to heal me, keep me right-sized
and open the door to joy
Considering his history
he had plenty of evidence
To support his belief
that he got a raw deal
that is, until
he reconsidered
Looking anew for any evidence
of what a great deal
he had gotten
That side won…