Permission to Play

Little one
inside of there
Know that you have
permission to play some
every day
And, that you are loved
beyond measure

Courageous Love

The toughest part
of soft velvet nights
when stars multiply
the senses?
The awe burgeons
chest feels as if
it will explode and
cry forever in spicy joy
Can taste buds ever forgive
sweet yearning curls?
as one more baby arrives?
yet another fragile blossom unfurls?
Courageous love rears
and stands confident amongst the stars

Juicy Day

Was a peach
A tasty peach was he

Rich and ripe
And full of
Luscious juice

May your day
Be absolutely juicy!

Let it drip down your chin!


Groundbreaking News!
Shovel is used
to make way
for new compost
The refuse of today
feeds tomorrow’s growth…

Brother Bear Dances

Our brother, Bear,
Awakes with a hunger
A hunger for food
A hunger for life
Dance, Bear dance

Control’s Illusion

Putting it right, lined up
organized, categorized
systemized according to
some arbitrary rightness
flavor of the moment
• • •
Making it right, aligned
de-sensitized, stabilized
aggrandized according to
crowd norms individually
translated in bones for now
• • •
Then, hummingbird wings by
hovering and looking
blows the whole control illusion
in the flapping of tiny iridescent wing