

In the mud
toes oozing with gobs of it
they sat encased in it
All about the serious BUSINESS
of caking it and making it
into pies and mad makeup
Or doing scientific experiments
on the ooze factor
Cool mud…hot days


I dreamed I was giving birth
this ancient body fecund
With possibilities and galaxies
endless in their beauty
And here in this instant
stars and moons
lovely planets escaped my womb
And the cry of infinite life
pierced the wind-screaming
A call of blessing


Sailing through silent waters
breezes tickling hair
caressing face gently
Exhultant music
rising from the chest
bursting with joy
Gliding through silent blue sky
stillness and magic
envelops the moment
Riding softly through the silence
peace, love, joy, bliss within
centers the day

Outside Looking In

I could see the spots
through the stripes
The stripes of visibility
through the fencing
Curious face with blue tongue
turning to look at me
Hidden behind the fence
hovering way overhead
spots of Life
“Hello there”, we said…
Go Home

Go Home

Walking down the street
in a cement city
no trees in sight
Only a three foot square
of shaved grass
the greening part
Crow dive bombs my head
screeching with aplomb
Go back.. Go back home!