Jazz Songs

Jazz Songs

The face there in the leaves

of the magnolia tree
Animated by friendly breezes
sang jazz songs
with no more encouragement than that
I expected lightheartedly
for the tree to drop into
a lively soft shoe

Tortoise Joy

Little boy…

Like the captain of his ship
or a slow motion cowboy

Rode astride the huge tortoise
gallumping along half time

With a grin as big
as his little face would hold

Light Songs

Her words, like stars
fell from her lips to sparkle
across the blanket of sky
In myriad constellations
with tales of bravery
and lighthearted frivolity
His songs, like the dawning
of inumberable days
Awoke birds in their nests
for a sympony of praises
Noting life’s sweet passage
with infinite delight
The days of light, like triple rainbows
spanned the valleys
in lavish Mystery
Earth’s Tears

Earth’s Tears

Cry no more

when the rains have called
for even the newest blossoms to fall
My cheeks are washed
by Earth’s tears
Shed for all her children
and even for herself
Choices made
in the ease of ignorance
and the arrogance of youth or greed
Foretell storms of anguish
yet Spring is arriving on their heels
Open to Receive

Open to Receive

That man who gives of his heart
was generous right from the start
In kindergarten
he watched out for the other kids
And still his wife knows
how very much he gives
Yet he won’t let anything back
He needs to learn to…
Open to receive
It’s as you believe
that you deserve
The cycle must return
so as you give
open to receive
open to receive
The woman with heart on her sleeve
had empathy for all that grieved
She sympathized
and reached out in warming love
Yet her own self
she hides away above
And she suffers the pain inside
She must open to…
Open to receive
It’s as you believe
that you deserve
The cycle must return
so as you give
open to receive
open to receive
Enter the Circle

Enter the Circle

Enter the circle
in a humble way
patting the earth
Enter the circle
as we join to pray
joining voices together
For in the circle
on the plane of life
all are equal, all are family
all are welcome
Enter the circle
in the medicine way