Opportunity for Blessing

Opportunity for Blessing

The little Buddha sat there on the edge of samadhi in her baby carrier thingy  Blessing us with  the opportunity for darshan  and enlightenment  Handing out contact high like candy with her countenance...
* Note: Celebrating April 1, we begin a new practice – uploading the napkin itself, rather than just the words. We had some requests and suggestions for that, so overcoming Dena’s propensity to demand perfection from herself, we will do this. Do you like this idea? Vote in the poll on the bottom of the page.

Raise the Vibration

Filled with the light of Spirit
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit
Thrilled with expression of Spirit
I’m a walking beacon of love
Hey there, sittin’ on the fences
Ho there, standin’ on the line
Yeah, you there, eyes downcast now
time to raise the vibration
Just smile
make a decision and move…

Lean on the Ancestors

Times like these
when the air gets heavy
And even the words are slow
it is good to lean on the ancestors
Let the wisdom and the foibles
siphoned and filtered
through ages of hopes
and dreams and prayers
Rise up through our roots
to nourish our human beingness
Firmly rooted, we have the strength
to be flexible and bend
with the winds of change
to grow closer to the stars

Don’t You Know?

You are Love
You are Light
You are Spirit’s expression
You are good
You are right
You are simply amazing!
Don’t you know there’s nothing bad
’bout living life fully,
giving your all to what you believe,
and being yourself truly?

Soil of Understanding

Idea budding
twirled petals delicate
Perched upon the tip
of tiny thought twig
Borne of rising sap
and deep roots buried
In rich soil of understanding
Awaiting blossoming…