Fox is Fox

Fox crept up on hen house
hiding his brilliance
in shadows and stealth
Moving smoothly
with nary a squeak
or crack of a twig
Seeking only
a way into dinner
at the diner
To feed his own fur
and his family's
Fox is being the best fox he can

Delighted Face

So, there I was
caught in a summer rain
Clouds and mist to the left of me
rainbow on my right
My face delighted
washed gently by God
My heart filled up
every fiber tingled, alive
When I awoke
to the blessedness of the moment

Love for the Earth

A wedge of tomato
all juicy and flavorful
Reminisces the sun
and his warm love
for the Earth

Over the Hill

Over the hill of understanding
and through the Spirit of compassionate love
He stepped out from under
the fog of self-doubt
Into the brilliance
of inspired epiphany!

Peace in the Heart

Mouse scurried about
putting all his treasures
in their place
Keeping peace in his heart
even though
his hands were very busy
He noticed a while back
how good it felt
when he was centered

Sweet Surrender

Peace in my heart
begins and stops
in my mind
Until that exquisite moment
of sweet surrender
Then, it is timeless…