All One Mind

One mindedness
staying in the flow of Spirit
Is not the same
as a One track mind
Of course, it's All One!
Yo Ho!
One, for all,
All is One!

Strengthened by Gratitude

Finer than silk
the fibre of his life
was likewise as strong
Being constantly strengthened
by his gratitudes and prayers
The tapestry of his life
woven in the loom of his thoughts


Opening the heart
and saying YES!
To new life
to seeds of discovery
for a garden of delight
Opening the arms
and saying YES!
To the experience of life
to those that walk with us
and their brilliant light

Singular Blossom

Like an orchid
the rare beauty of his life
blossomed singularly
In contrast to the stark stem
of the daily rut
Which provided him
sustenance and grounding
else, he might drift

The Waiting Joy

(Dedicated to all of the mothers in waiting; past, present, and future.)
Momma Bird sings
as she sits
Sings internally
in her patience
and the waiting joy
This song is louder
than the whistling outer song
or the mourner's call
Yet only heard
by patient heart

Seed of Change

Like a seed of change
his inspiration
took root in his actions
Ever connecting
his consciousness
with Spirit